05 November 2007

Very important question- updated

Ugly or not?
Updated: I must confess that I ordered this very expensive dress and it is H.I.D.E.O.U.S. and saying that is actually being kind. Thanks for your opinions though :)


Alicia said...

That depends.

If you've already bought the dress... It is. So. Cute! How adorable!

If you haven't already bought it and you want my honest opinion... Run. Before the stripes suck you in! (and I'm not talking about sucking in a waist line either)

Isabel said...

I like it. A lot. But I wouldn't wear it. It's too short for me...I'm just too old!!

Janssen said...

Here by order of Whoorl. Your hair is GORGEOUS! Congrats on having your husband cominghome so soon!

And. . . I think you'd have to be a runway model to pull that look off. It just seems like one of those things that looks good in theory but not so much in real life.

kate said...

Also here via whoorl. And I agree,your hair is stunning. YOU are stunning. Your husband will definitley agree.

This outfit, however, is not. No shape, little style. Too trendy. Just my opinion though! ;^)

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Came via Whoorl :-)

Love your hair and I am seriously going to have to look into that straightening treatment thingy.

I like the dress on the model... on me, I guarantee it would look hideous.

Yay for your hubby coming home! I bet you are beyond excited...